1. How do I start INPA?
Start Inpa software using Inpaload.exe in C:\Inpa\Bin or alternatively C:\EC-Apps\Inpa\Bin or use
Start All Programs EDIABAS INPA ELDI NCS NFS INPA(_.IPO) to start the general
reworking programme. This corresponds to calling Inpaload.exe under
smuc0900\sg\Inpa\Bin or alternatively C:\Inpa\Bin.
2. How can I switch between OBD and ADS interfaces?
The appropriate driver must be installed for the interface that you want to use. In the
installation guide for INPA (http://smuc0900/TI-430 or http://smuc0900/TI-430 under Subjects
EDIABAS /INPA EDIABAS or INPA), you can look up how a driver is installed.
Now, you can change the interface directly in the file Ediabas.ini (C:\EDIABAS\BIN). You
only have to make the appropriate change to the line where the interface is entered.
Interface = STD:OBD, i.e the OBD interface will be used.
Interface = ADS, i.e the ADS interface will be used.
For the case that OBD is being used via USB, an additional entry is necessary in OBD.ini.
See C:\EDIABAS\BIN\INI.PDF for this.
3. In which directory structure is OBD.ini saved?
If the OBD.ini file exists, then in order to not run the interface via COM1 by default (compare
to 1 i), then the OBD.ini file must be saved in the directory C:\WINDOWS\ for Windows XP
or in directory C:\WINNT\ for Windows NT up to the Ediabas Package 1.3 and as of Ediabas
Package 1.4 in directory C:\EDIABAS\BIN\. The current version of the Ediabas Package can
be seen in the files C:\EDIABAS\version.txt or C:\EDIABAS\package.pdf.
4. What is the difference between \EDIABAS\bin\ToolSet.exe and
Tool32.exe is current and when it is started, the Ediabas server will start as a 32-bit
application. ToolSet.exe is an old version and is required under Windows 3.11.
5. Where are the individual SGBD names and their meanings given in
plain English?
Click the “Show” Version List SGBD button on the ”Dienste Tool” interface. There will be a
list of all SGBDs by name with the current version number, the person responsible at BMW,
and the name of the associated controller. It is only possible to access the version list when
the network is in operation or it can be viewed at \\smuc0900\Referenz\Referenz.sgbd.
6. How can I uninstall EDIABAS or INP?
You uninstall INPA by deleting the Ediabas and Inpa folders under C:\.Reason: No registry entries are made during the installatio
7. How can tell if the EDIABAS server is running as a 16-bit or a 32-bit application?
Under Windows 95 and 98, the EDIABAS server runs as a 16-bit version. The can berecognised by the yellow E in the task be
recognised by the yellow E in the task bar.
Under Windows NT4 and XP, the EDIABAS server runs as a 32-bit version. This can be
recognised by the green E in the task bar.